Corona .19 part 3 (end)


      The world has changed and the human being has come into conflict with an unfamiliar enemy, and with all the fights there will be innocent victims.

     You do not know why and how it was forced and then simply perished, and the person became just a number or a number used in profitable projects or even for experience and the next is much more terrible, and the civilization that we know and in which we live in this day will go astray with unequal power.

      In the end it will disappear, but nature refuses a vacuum, and a new world order will replace it, not necessarily pure evil or good, but it will certainly be more complicated and few of us will adapt to these changes and with radical changes in the politics of the great powers there will be the destruction of many countries and Not peoples, and dependency will prevail, and it can be said that the geopolitical map of the world will be similar to the map of the centuries before Christ, where it will be quasi-empires such as Persian, Roman and Greek.

    And we can clearly notice this in the bloc's policies of the major economic powers in the world, for example the comprehensive regional economic partnership, and labels RCEP This is from the eastern side of the world In return, the western side of the world will witness more changes than we can imagine, with a pivotal role for the Middle East and energy-producing countries.

And the world will be divided again, and this time it will be the last before a comprehensive collapse of human civilization, and this is not a science fiction or a novel, but rather a process and a sequence of events and mistakes made by humans on their own, and epidemics and major wars are a mockery of my words.

  Just study the sequence of events of history and their results on our present, and project a future with a development in capabilities and go to the path of unity or to live on the path of individual benefit, infringing on the greatest advantage in man, which is social life, as the social scientist Ibn Khaldun said (man is civil by nature)
