Fast Weight Loss

 Common health problems associated with being overweight.

Not only will being overweight cause you problems with your physical appearance, but you will also need to notice some health problems that overweight suffers from. Gaining weight is a major concern because you need to take specific steps to address it. Here are some common health issues you may face if you gain more weight than you should.

1. Your heart is the number one target for potential weight gain problems. High blood pressure, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, stroke, peripheral heart disease, inflammatory and somatic heart disease are just a few of the rare medical conditions that can happen to you, such as being overweight. These health problems occur when there is too much fat in your body, which can sometimes lead to blocked blood vessels. When the blood vessels narrow, the blood flow to the heart decreases, which leads to these heart diseases

2. Diabetes is the second most common health problem for weight gain. If there is an increase in your blood sugar level, your blood will be more viscous. With this blood viscosity, it will be difficult for your blood to reach your heart.

3. Overweight people are also prone to breathing problems. Due to the fat that can build up in the body, it will also be difficult for the lungs to expand to help you breathe. People also feel short of breath most of the time due to being overweight and health issues. Apart from this, sleep apnea can also occur. Sleep apnea is known as when you have difficulty breathing while sleeping.

4. Female infertility is also a health problem related to weight gain. Because the body is full of fat, the production of reproductive hormones by the female body can also be stopped. The consequence of this situation is that the woman will have difficulty conceiving.

5. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition in which the median nerves in the hands are compressed and it can be one of the common health problems associated with being overweight. The most common sign of this medical condition is severe pain and numbness in the hands, which can sometimes lead to disability. The pressure can be caused by fat stored inside the blood vessels.

With these facts, it is important to manage your weight loss issues to avoid those health issues related to weight gain which can sometimes be a major threat to your health.


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